Pray For Sponsorship

Hello beloved friends and family,

As some of you know the next steps for us to get over to Scotland are some of the most insane hurdles to run. Dan and Angela of Calvary Fellowship Stirling have been faithfully putting together all the correct documents in order for them to acquire sponsorship. Which is basically saying that they could invite us to come and live in Scotland. They have sent all the documents to Boarder Control and now it should be a few weeks until they hear back.

Please during this time would you lift this up in prayer. That God would give us favor with board control and that he would make the process go by as quickly and smoothly as possible. Also that God would bless Dan and Angela for their faithfulness and diligence in all of this.

Also we will be getting Theo and Mateas their passports, so please be praying for that as well.

Lastly for me (Cody), two weeks ago I got hurt at work. Really messed my back up and I have not been able to function the same. I am going to physical therapy and have been on some medication. If you would lift me up in your prayers that would be amazing.

If you would like to support us financially please click here, use the drop down to select Scotland Nunes.

Thank you for your prayers and love,


One Step Closer


Pray For Scotland